Searching for a ride

You can quickly narrow your search results by using travel destinations and filters to find available publications with the amenities you prefer.

To search for a ride:

  1. Enter where you’re heading, where you’re leaving from, when and the number of passengers, then click Search.
  2. If you want, use the filters to narrow your options (for example, bus or carpool). Click Filters to see all available filters.
  3. Scroll through the publications and click on the publication for more information. Review the bus amenities or driver profile.
  4. If you have any questions about your carpool ride, send the driver an enquiry. Or if you’re ready to book, click Continue.

Can’t find a ride?

Set up a ride alert to receive notifications when a ride is available.

To create a ride alert: 

  1. Go to Find a ride
  2. Enter where you are Leaving from and Going to
  3. Select the day you want to travel
  4. Click Search
  5. Review, then click on Create a ride alert (at the bottom of the results, you may need to scroll!).
  6. Already logged into your account? You’ll see a green tick confirming you’ve created an alert. Not logged in? We’ll ask you to confirm your email.

You will automatically receive an email alert every time a driver offers a suitable ride for the date you entered. To receive alerts for a different date, you will need to create a new alert.

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