To edit your publication:
- From Your Rides, select the publication
- Click on your Edit your publication
- Make and confirm the desired changes
To prevent misunderstandings and potential cancellations once a passenger books a seat, the changes you can make to your carpool ride are limited.
Note: Drivers can edit their publication up until the departure of the ride.
If passengers haven’t booked a seat you can edit:
- Your Ride plan's date and time
- Booking settings (Instant Approval, Boost, Women Only)
- Number of seats
- Additional details you wrote about your ride
- Price (for more details, read our article on how to edit the price per seat
If passengers have booked a seat, you can only edit:
- Booking settings (Instant Approval, Boost)
- Number of seats
- Additional details you wrote about your ride
- Price (for more details, read our article on how to edit the price per seat
Our advice? If you need to make changes but passengers have already booked a seat, get in touch with your passengers to ask if they’re happy with your proposed changes. If they’re not, you’ll need to cancel your ride and publish a new one. As a result, all bookings will be cancelled and your passengers will receive an automatic refund.