If you find content on the platform that you consider to be illegal, you can report it. For example, if it relates to discrimination, terrorism, child pornography, or incites racial hatred and/or violence.
You can report illegal content to us by:
- Using the Report feature on the platform - report a member, trip or message in the BlaBlaCar app or on the website;
- Or by contacting us. You don’t have to be a member of BlaBlaCar to submit a report this way.
Once you’ve made a report, we’ll investigate and then inform you about what action we’ve decided to take. Any abuse of our reporting systems may lead to the suspension of your account.
We may determine that no action is needed, or remove the content and/or suspend the account of the member who posted the content in question.
If you disagree with our decision, you can appeal it in one of the ways listed in this article.
For more information, please see our Terms and Conditions.